Discussion & dissemination
The Antigone workshops and seminars
Ist “ANTIGONE Project – Workshop”,25 March 2021, University of Genoa, Via Balbi 5, Genoa.Archaeology of Sharing Practices. The material evidence of mountain marginalisation in Europe (18th-21st c.)
II “ANTIGONE Project – Workshop”, 7 – 8 April 2022, Lago and Foresta delle Lame (Borzonasca, GE)Archaeology of Sharing Practices, South-Western Europe case studies (18th-21st c.)
III “ANTIGONE Project – Workshop”, 16-17 March 2023 Oratorio Ns. di Montallegro, Canepa Inferiore (Sori-GE) and Case Becco (Recroso, Lumarzo GE).Comparing periodisations.From environmental resources management practices to local social configurations
October 2022-May 2023 Meeting series “Gli spazi dell’Archeologia Rurale”, Museo Diffuso della Cultura Contadina, Velva (GE)
Scientific dissemination
Invited papers and invited participation to round tables
13th-14th October 2022 – Stagno A. M. Title Paper: “Mountain landscape and settlements between seasonality and local practices: an archaeological perspective to the social occupation of the space. Case studies from Southern Europe”. Conference: « Les paysans de montagne aux époques médiévale et moderne ». Pau (France).
27th May 2022 – Stagno A. M. Title Paper: “La dimensione sociale del paesaggio: risorse ambientali e usi collettivi tra passato, presente e futuro”. Round Table: “Su quali strategie/elementi/risorse è necessario puntare per valorizzare i territori rurali e le comunità che li custodiscono?”. Event: “Transumare Festival – Design Comunità e Aree Rurali. Sinergie e Prospettive”. Aula San Salvatore, Genoa (Italy).
23rd August 2021 – Stagno A. M. Round Table: “Heritage and decoloniality: global exchanges and conversations”. Event: GenEx Fund 2020/21 Geneva/Exeter Collaborative Research Seed Grants
“Pathways towards collaborative approaches to indigenous and minority cultural heritage and landscape sustainability”.
26th May 2021 – Stagno A. M. Title Presentation: “Terre collettive, pratiche e saperi locali: una prospettiva archeologica alla dimensione sociale del paesaggio”. Workshop: “Montagne e Archeologie. Corso di alta formazione in Scienze archeologiche” Trento (Italy)
19th April 2021 – Stagno A. M. Title Paper: “Carbonaie e altri oggetti ‘puntiformi’ del paesaggio: tra attività produttive, diritti di accesso e patrimonio fragile”. Conference: “Montanari di ieri e di oggi”. (San Potito Sannitico, Italy. 19th-21st April 2021).
13th April 2021 – Stagno A. M. Title Paper: “Studying the past to contribute to the future: local naturalistic knowledge, practices and landscapes”. Conference: “European Robotics Forum 2021, euRobotics”. Session virtual Room 5 “Robotics and AI for rural development”. 13th-15th April 2021, Virtual event.
26th February 2021 – Stagno A. M. Round Table: “Sfide e opportunità delle politiche europee per la neutralità climatica”. Event: “Giornata di studi dedicata alla Presentazione del corso Jean Monnet ‘EVA Environmental Valuation and Accounting’”. Università di Genova, Genoa (Italy).
12th November 2020 – Stagno A. M. Title Paper: “From sharing practices to marginalisation: the (almost forgotten) social dimension of European mountains (XVIII-XXI sec.)” Conference: II Workshop “Arqueología de los comunales. Gestión, derecho de propiedad y gobernanza”, organized by Llabor, University of Oviedo. (Oviedo, Spain, 12th-13th November 2020).
Invited talks in educational summer schools, courses, seminars
18th and 31stMay 2022 – Course: “Scuola della Terra E. Sereni” Villa Duchessa di Galliera, Voltri, Genoa (Italy) Title lessons: Stagno A. M., “Storia e archeologia dei paesaggi agrari e rurali della Liguria”; Stagno A. M., Panetta A., “Paesaggi rurali storici, demani collettivi, patrimonializzazione: prospettive e possibilità”. (https://www.associazioneterra.it/scuola-diffusa-della-terra-emilio-sereni/)
10th May 2022 – Stagno A. M. Seminar “Causeries GEODE – CNRS Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès”. Title Presentation: “The social dimension of the landscape and the mountain modernisation. Case studies from southern Europe (18th-21st c.)”.
10th March 2022 – Stagno A. M. Activity:European Landscapes Fieldcourse to the Val di Vara, University of Nottingham on line. Title: “Fragmented heritage: an archaeological perspective to the inner social dimension of the landscape”.
28th August 2021 – Stagno A. M. Title Presentation: “Local naturalistic knowledge and scientific knowledge. What about archaeology”. Session: 7 “Savoirs savants et savoirs partagés : la question des ressources naturelles”. School: “9e école d’été d’histoire économique. Circulation des savoirs et dynamiques économiques aux époques médiévale et moderne. Mobilité des hommes, transferts techniques et enjeux territoriaux” (Susa, Italy. 26th-28th August 2021).
13th May 2021 – Stagno A. M. Title Presentation: “Archeologia delle terre collettive: pratiche, saperi naturalistici, locali e conflitti”. Seminar (online): “Seminari del Mappa Lab”. Università di Pisa, Pisa (Italy).
Organised conferences, workshops and sessions, included project workshops
23rdSeptember 2022 – Cristina G. (Organiser). Panel: “Tra rurale e industriale. Forme d’uso e gestione delle risorse ambientali per la produzione (secoli XVIII-XX)”. Conference: “La Storia ambientale in Italia: metodi e percorsi di ricerca” (Catania, Italy, 22nd-24th September 2022)
2ndSeptember 2022 – Stagno A. M., Quirós Castillo J. A. (Organisers), Session 323 “Microhistory and Social Archaeology in Western Europe”. Conference: “28th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)” (Budapest, Hungary, 31st August-3rdSeptember 2022); A. Panetta, T. Casimiro (organisers),Session 223 “Winds of Change? Post‐medieval and Historical Archaeology in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean”
7-8thApril 2022 – Event: “2nd Antigone Project Workshop. Archaeology pf Sharing Practices: South-Western Europe Case Studies (18th-21st C.)”, Locanda Lago delle Lame (Rezzoaglio, Genoa, Italy): 7th April 2022 – Fieldwork in case study area (in collaboration with IRIS project); 8th April 2022 Sessions and round table Session 1 “Hidden dialogues and practices” (Chair: M. Fernández Mier): Cristina G. Presentation: “Institution and commons: the case of the Parzonería de Entzia”; Bizzarri G. Presentation: “Access rights and shared resources at Monte Fasce (Genoa, Italy)”; Attolini D. Title: “Deciphering local practices: multiple uses and the statistical enquiry ‘Consegne dei boschi e selve’ (1822)”; Session 2 “Oral memory, history and archaeology” (Chair: L. Queirolo Palmas); Tejerizo García C. Title: “Tackling modernity through oral history: common lands, wolfram mining and guerrilla warfare in Casaio (Galicia, Spain)”; Beltrametti G. Title: “Interdisciplinary explorations of environmental history. The Karst between anthropology and history (19th-20th c.)”; Francesco Orlandi Barbano (University of Exeter), “Unpacking “indigenous” heritage through archaeological ethnography and counter-mapping in the south-central Andes (Tiwanaku, Bolivia and Calchaquí Valleys, Argentina)”; Session 3 “Present landscape, past clues: fieldworks” (Chair: M. Fernández Mier): Menéndez Blanco A. Title: “Sharing resources in the mountain of northern Spain. First results from archaeological surveys in Alava and Asturias”; Sánchez García A., Panetta A. Title: “Sharing water resources and spaces: first fieldworks in Sierra Nevada”; Menozzi B. I., Rellini I., Santeramo R. Title: “Archaeology sites and practices: methodological questions from sites of Eastern Ligurian Appennines”.; Round table: “Archaeology of sharing practices: methods and approaches” (Chair: E. Svensson, Contribution A. M. Stagno, M.-C. Bal, C. Rendu, M. Fernández Mier)
8th-9th September 2021 – Conference: “27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)”, Kiel (Germany), virtual”. Sessions 277-279 “Living in the mountains: settlement strategies from the beginning of the Holocene to Modern Times in Southern Europe. Parts 1 & 2”. Theme 5 “Assembling archaeological theory and the archaeological sciences”. Organisers: Alliot P., Stagno A. M., Olesti O., Gassiot Ballbè E., Portillo M.
25th March 2021 – Event: “I Antigone Project Research meeting”, Aula Cabella, Università degli Studi di Genova, Genoa (Italy): Stagno A. M. Presentation: “Archaeology of sharing practices: the material evidence of mountain marginalisation in Europe (18th– 21st c. AD). Investigations in S-W Europe: Research framework and methods”; WP1 – Hidden dialogues and practices: Bizzarri G. Presentation: “Settlements, building materials and social relationships: historical-archaeological investigation at Monte Fasce (18th-21st c.)”; Sánchez García A. Presentation: “Cartographic and photographic sources for the investigation of the changes in environmental resources management and abandonment processes. Case study (Sierra Nevada, Spain)”. WP2 – Present landscape, past clues: Attolini D. Presentation: “Limits and potentialities of high resolution analyses for the reconstruction of environmental resources management practices: Archaeobotany at Perlezzi (Ligurian Apennines)”; Menéndez Blanco A. Presentation: “From landscape archaeology to environmental archaeology: proposals for the investigation of the common-lands in Cantabric mountains (Spain)”. WP5 – Comparisons: Beltrametti G. Presentation: “Approcci interdisciplinary alla gestione collettiva delle risorse ambientali: il progetto MSCA-CAR ‘OCHER’ – Owners of a Common Heritage. Commons, Environment and Rights in European Mountains (18th-20th century)”; Tigrino V. Presentation: “Il comune senso dei commons. Comunità e comunaglie in Liguria tra Sette e Ottocento / The common sense of commons. Communities and common-lands (18th-19th c.)”.
Presented papers to international conferences
28th September-2nd October 2022 – Stagno A. M., “La materialità del possesso. Dall’archeologia delle terre collettive all’archeologia delle pratiche di condivisione delle risorse ambientali”. Conference: “9th National Congress of Medieval Archaeology” (Alghero, Italy).
23rd September 2022 – Panel: “Tra rurale e industriale. Forme d’uso e gestione delle risorse ambientali per la produzione (secoli XVIII-XX)”, Cristina G. (Organiser). Conference: “La Storia ambientale in Italia: metodi e percorsi di ricerca” (Catania, Italy, 22nd-24th September 2022): Cristina G. Title: “Il bosco e il ferro. Risorse boschive e conflitti socio-istituzionali nella montagna di Álava (Paesi Baschi, secoli XVIII-XX)”; Panetta A. Title: “Gli spazi della manifatturiera e dell’industria locale nell’Appenino ligure tra Ottocento e Novecento. Una prospettiva archeologica”.
22nd September 2022 – A. M. Stagno Title: “La dimensione sociale del paesaggio e la ‘modernizzazione’ della montagna (Appennino Ligure, XVIII-XXI secolo)”. Panel: “Per una storia ambientale della montagna”. Conference: “La Storia ambientale in Italia: metodi e percorsi di ricerca” (Catania, Italy, 22nd-24th September 2022).
13th-17th September 2022 – Conference: “Das 19. und 20. Jahrhundert im Fokus der Historischen Archäologie – The Historical Archaeology of the 19th and 20th centuries, International Conference of the Austrian Society for Medieval Archaeology 2022” (Linz, Austria, 13th-17th September 2022): M. Milanese, A. M. Stagno Title: “The Archaeology of the contemporary past and rural archaeology: debates around 19th and 21st c. and current state of Italian post-medieval archaeology”; Panetta A. Title: “The other side of industrialization. Mountain production in the last two centuries”; G. Bizzarri Title: “Between material traces and documentary sources: studies on the redefinition of rural spaces in late 19th century Eastern Liguria”.
31st August – 3rd September 2022, Conference: “28th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)” (Budapest, Hungary). 2nd September 2022Session 323 “Microhistory and Social Archaeology in Western Europe” (J.A. Castillo, A. M. Stagno org.) Cristina G., Tejerizo García C., Menéndez-Blanco A. Title: “Unveiling local power through microhistory: a multidisciplinary and comparative analysis of the common lands in Northern Iberia (18th-19th centuries)”; Panetta A., Casimiro T. Title: “Microhistory and Historical Archaeology. Toward a Micro-historical archaeology?”;Session 134 “In the Margins of the Fabric: Towards a Social Archaeology of Industrial Impact in the Modern and Contemporary Eras” (C. Tejerizo García, A. M. Stagno, E. Svensson org.): Panetta A., Cristina G. Title: “Historical archaeology of industrialisation in the mountains. The spaces of production in the Ligurian Apennines (Italy, 19th-20th centuries)”; Bizzarri G. Title: “A question of choice: observing shifts in building materials at the Monte Fasce upland settlements between 19th and 20th centuries”. 1st September 2022 – Session 223 “Winds of Change? Post‐medieval and Historical Archaeology in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean” (A. Panetta, T. Casimiro org.), Stagno A. M., Panetta A., Attolini D., Bizzarri G., Cristina G., Menéndez Blanco A., Menozzi B. I., Piu C., Santeramo R., Molinari C. Title: “Common-lands, practices and local knowledge: an archaeological perspective to the inner social dimension of landscape. Case studies from Southern Europe”; Panetta A., Cristina G., Stagno A. M. Title: “Post-medieval archaeology, Historical archaeology, Mediterranean, Modernity, Industrialization, Archaeology of modern age”; Bizzarri G. Title: “To share or to divide? Defining spaces at the upland settlement of Colanesi (Genova, Italy) between 19th and 20th centuries”. 2nd September 2022 – Santeramo R., Menozzi B. I., Rendu C., Moneta V., Molinari C., Stagno A. M., Bizzarri G. Title: “Environmental resources management and commons: critical considerations on the first results of archaeobotanical investigations at Port de Rouet (Llo, France)”. Session 358: “Can You See Me? Putting the ‘Human’ back into ‘Human‐Plant Interactions’ [ARCHWILD]”. Conference: “28th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)” (Budapest, Hungary, 31st August – 3rd September 2022).
17th June 2022 – Stagno A. M., Menozzi B. I., Santeramo R., Montanari C., Bizzarri G., Attolini D., Molinari C., Panetta A., Rellini I., Title: “From on-site to off-site and viceversa: Land use, landscape change and common-lands at the ‘Montagna di Fascia’ (Genova, Ligurian Apennines)”. Session “Combining onsite- and offsite data for a better understanding of the history of land use and landscape change 2”. Conference: “19th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany (IWGP 2022)” (České Budějovice, Czech Republic, 13th-17th June 2022).
13th-17th June 2022 – Attolini D., Montanari C., Stagno A. M., Title: “Looking for historical rural practices through pollen and archaeological data: the case of Perlezzi, Ligurian Apennines (N-Italy)”. Poster. Conference: “19th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany (IWGP 2022)” (České Budějovice, Czech Republic, 13th-17th June 2022).
19th November 2021 – Beltrametti G., Tigrino V., Stagno A. M. Title: “Andamento carsico: gestione ambientale, trasformazioni economiche e discontinuità delle istituzioni collettive locali (Slovenia-Liguria, XVIII-XXI s.)” Session III. Conference: “27° Riunione Scientifica Patrimonio e Identità negli assetti fondiari collettivi alla luce dei cambiamenti climatici e alla vulnerabilità degli insediamenti rurali”. (University of Trento, Trento, Italy, 18th-19th November 2021).
14th September 2021 – Stagno A. M., Bizzarri G. Title: “Landscape, building materials and urban spaces: first results from the study of Monte Fasce settlements, Liguria, Italy 17th-21st centuries”. Panel 2 “Temporary Households”. Conference: “The Ruralia XIV Conference ‘Household goods in the European Medieval and Early modern countryside’ (Viseu, Portugal, 13th-19th September 2021).
6th-11th September 2021 – Conference: “27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)”, Kiel (Germany), virtual: 7th September 2021 – Session 179 “The Geoarchaeology and Sustainability of Cultivation terraces and lynchets in Europe”. Theme 1 “Widening horizons through human-environment interconnections”: Stagno A. M., Panetta A. Title: “Investigating rural changes: terraces as archaeological evidences and heritage monuments. Case studies for Ligurian Apennines”; 9th September 2021 – Session 509 “Preserving the ‘Living Heritage’ of abandoned lands. Archaeology and sustainable practices to protect and conserve upland landscapes”. Theme 1 “Widening horizons through human-environment interconnections”: Sánchez García A., Stagno A. M., Martín Civantos J. A. Title: “Rural heritage and landscapes of Sierra Nevada: Historical irrigation systems and pastoral landscapes from an archaeological perspective (18th-21st c.)”; 9th September 2021 – Session 279 “Living in the mountains: settlement strategies from the beginning of the Holocene to Modern Times in Southern Europe. Part 2”. Theme 5 “Assembling archaeological theory and the archaeological sciences”: Attolini D., Montanari C., Stagno A. M. Title: “Biostratigraphic analysis for the history and chronology of environmental resources management. New results from Ligurian Apennines (Borzonasca, Genova, N-Italy)”; Stagno A. M., Narbarte J., Portillo M., Santeramo R., Tejerizo García C., Title: “Jurisdiction, local societies and practices. A methodological perspective on the archaeology of commons in the Basque Country”; 9th September 2021 – Session 373 “Social interaction in heritage environments”. Theme 6 “Material culture studies and societies”: Bizzarri G. Title: “The archaeology of the post-medieval rural house: challenges and applications for for a cultural heritage in the making”; 11th September 2021 – Session 375 “Archaeology, Language and Landscape”. Theme 1 Widening horizons through human-environment interconnections”: Menéndez Blanco A., Fernández Fernández J. Title: “The material and symbolic construction of village territoriality in Northwestern Iberia”.
28th August 2021 – Bizzarri G. Title: Investigating environmental resources management and seasonality: a historical-archaeological study of abandoned settlements on Monte Fasce, Genova (Italy)”. Session: 7 “Savoirs savants et savoirs partagés : la question des ressources naturelles”. Summer School: “9e école d’été d’histoire économique. Circulation des savoirs et dynamiques économiques aux époques médiévale et moderne. Mobilité des hommes, transferts techniques et enjeux territoriaux” (Susa, Italy. 26th-28th August 2021).
28th May 2021 – Cevasco R., Menozzi B. I., Molinari C., Montanari C., Moreno D., Panetta A., Pescini V., Stagno A. M. Title: “Exploring historical ecology through environmental archaeology sources: summer pastures in NE Ligurian Apennines (Italy)”. Session 4 “Methods and tools in historical ecology”. Conference: “Historical Ecology for the future. International Conference in Historical Ecology (IEF 2021)”. On-line, 25th-28th May 2021.
Papers and Publications
Peer review papers in collective volumes
- M. Stagno (in prep), “La materialità del possesso. Dall’archeologia delle terre collettive all’archeologia delle pratiche di condivisione delle risorse ambientali”, in M. Milanese (ed.), IX Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale, Firenze, in press.
- M. Stagno, Cristina G., Panetta A. (in prep), “From sharing practices to marginalisation: the (almost forgetten) social dimension of European mountains (XVIII-XXI c.)”, in M. Fernández Mier, A. M. Stagno, P. López Gómez (eds.), Archaeology of commons. Management, property right and governance, Oxford, forthcoming.
- M. Stagno (forthcoming), “Terre collettive, pratiche e saperi locali: una prospettiva archeologica alla dimensione sociale del paesaggio”, in D. Angelucci, E. Croce, M. Migliavacca, F. Saggioro (eds.), Montagne e Archeologie, Trento, forthcoming.
- Stagno A. M., Menéndez-Blanco A. (in press), “Montes de Utilidad Pública de Álava: prospecciones en la Parzonería de Entzia, Zalduondo y Alkoitza”, in Arkeoikuska 2021. Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia, Vitoria-Gasteiz, forthcoming.
- Vaccarezza C., Piu C., Stagno A. M. (in press), “Castagneti e noccioleti terrazzati della Valle Sturla: modelli storici di gestione locale”, in R. Cevasco and R. Hearn (eds.), Localising foodways, in press.
- Stagno A. M., “A multidisciplinary approach to the relationship between seasonal settlements and multiple uses: case studies from southern Europe (15th-21st centuries)”, in P. Dixon, C. Theune (eds.), Seasonal settlement in the Medieval and early Modern countryside, Sidestone Press, 2021, pp. 57-68.
- Stagno A. M., “Tra archeologia e storia: parole, approcci e metodi di studio del paesaggio e degli spazi rurali”, in F. Fabiani, G. Gattiglia (eds.), Paesaggi rurali in trasformazione. Contesti e dinamiche dell’insediamento letti alla luce della fonte archeologica, 2021, Oxford, pp. 69-84.
Papers in scientific journals
- Stagno, A. M., Menéndez Blanco A., Panetta A. (in press), “Prácticas, jurisdicción y posesión. De la arquelogía de los comunales a las prácticas de gestión compartida de los recursos”, «Treballs d’arqueologia», in press.
- Beltrametti G., Cevasco R., Stagno A. M., Tigrino V., 2022. “The ambiguous nature of the commons shifting meanings between archives and field evidences (upper Trebbia valley, Liguria, 19th-21st centuries)”, «Quaderni Storici» 168 / a. LVI, n. 3, 2021, pp. 724-770.
- Stagno A. M., Tejerizo García C., “La materialidad de lo común: apuntes para una aproximación arqueológica a los comunales en el sur de Europa”, in I. Martín Viso (dir.), Espaces communaux, identités et domination sociale dans l’Europe du sud, «Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez». Nouvelle série, 51 (2), 2021, pp. 147-178.
- Stagno A. M., Narbarte J., Tejerizo García C., “The social dimension of commons between practices and jurisdiction. Case studies from southern Europe (17th-21st c.)”, «Postclassical Archaeologies» 11 (2021), pp. 81-110.
- Cristina G., “Villaggi rurali e montani in Calabria tra fascismo e dopoguerra (anni ’20-anni ’60 del XX secolo)”, «Città e Storia», 1-2/2020 (2021), pp. 7-36.
- Bizzarri G., Stagno A. M. (forthcoming), “Exploring the ‘extended’ household? Historical landscapes, material culture and building materials at the Monte Fasce settlements, Liguria, Italy (17th-21st c.)”, in C. Tente and C. Theune (eds.), Household goods in the European Medieval and Early Modern countryside, forthcoming.
- Stagno A. M., Piu C., Bizzarri G. (forthcoming), “Carbonaie e altri oggetti ‘puntiformi’ del paesaggio: tra attività produttive, diritti di accesso e patrimonio fragile. Casi di studio dall’Appennino ligure orientale”, in A. Frisetti (a cura di), Montanari di ieri e di oggi, in press.
Monographs and edited volumes
- Fernández Mier M., Stagno A. M. and López Gómez P. (eds.) (forthcoming), Archaeology of commons. Management, property right and governance, Oxford, forthcoming.
Public dissemination
Invited participation to workshops, conferences and roundtables
9th July 2022 – Stagno A. M. Round Table: “Ruoli e strategie delle aree rurali interne per un futuro sostenibile”. Event “Tera Sora. Risorse e buone pratiche delle aree interne: un modello di mappatura delle potenzialità e criticità per la valorizzazione sostenibile del patrimonio territoriale”. Palazzo Spinola, Rocchetta Ligure (Italy).
13th November 2021 – Stagno A. M. Title: “La dimensione sociale del paesaggio: risorse ambientali e usi collettivi tra passato, presente e futuro”. Conference: “Montagna e città”. Organised by Association “Un altro Appennino è possibile” (Teatro Testoni, Porretta Terme, Italy).
29th-30th May 2021 – Event: “Rural Commons Festival. Beni Comuni fra ieri, oggi e domani. Tappa Vallagarina” organised by Cristina Dalla Torre, Bianca Elzenbaumer, Sara Favargiotti and Maddalena Ferretti in collaboration with University of Trento (Ex Cava Manica, Rovereto, Italy).
5th February 2021 – Stagno A. M. Round Table (invited): “Recovery plan: La Liguria che si rinnova e si riscopre. Dalla città dei 15 minuti al rilancio della strategia delle aree interne. Capitolo terzo. Viaggio intorno al piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza”. Association “Controvento Liguria”.
5th June 2020 – Stagno A. M. Round Table: “Riabitare i borghi”, organised by “Piazza Levante”, Chiavari, Italy.
20th February 2020 – Stagno A. M. Presentation: “ANTIGONE Archaeology of sharing practices: the material evidence of mountain marginalisation in Europe (18th- 21st c. AD)”. Event: “Dialogo sulla ricerca europea a Genova e in Liguria”, organised by “Centro InEuropa. Centro di iniziativa europea” (Genoa, Italy).
Public fieldworks and conferences on research results
10th-11st September 2021 – Conference and Field visit with the local community of Zalduondo in the investigated sites of the Antigone project, in collaboration with Municipality of Zalduondo (Basque Country, Spain). Title: “Commons of Zalduondo between historical and archaeological heritage”.
4th July 2021 – Event: Ecological Day “Ecologia sulla Montagna di Fascia”, scenic walk, “Gestione Risorse ambientali” stage, organised by Genoa Municipality, Proloco Apparizione, Amiu. (Monte Fasce, Genoa, Italy).
28th February 2021 – Event: Excursion day “Le ville storiche di Apparizione” organised by “Pro loco Apparizione” and “AppaTrekking” (Monte Fasce, Genoa, Italy).
October 2022-May 2023Meeting series “Gli spazi dell’Archeologia Rurale”, Museo Diffuso della Cultura Contadina, Velva (GE)
Press releases, television, internet and other media coverage
Online and printed newspapers articles and interviews
– 29th August 2021 – “El peregrino al que tentó la moura de Armenande”, interview with Andrés Menéndez-Blanco by P. A. Marín Estrada on the local history of the study area in Asturias, in «El Comercio». (https://www.elcomercio.es/sociedad/peregrino-tento-moura-armenande-20220107123430-nt.html?ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F).
– 1th August 2021 – “Santo Miyao, un pueblo que se engancha al corazón”, article by A. Paz Paredes about a village in the Antigone’s study area of Asturia, in «La Nueva España». (https://www.lne.es/verano/2021/08/01/pueblo-engancha-corazon-55746064.html).
– 12th July 2021 – “Allande, referencia europea de despoblación. Una campaña de excavaciones arqueológicas pone de manifiesto la similitud del abandono agrario en la montaña en varios países”, article by D. Álvarez about Antigone’s results of the first campaign in Asturias, in «La Nueva España» (https://www.lne.es/occidente/2021/07/12/allande-referencia-europea-despoblacion-54918517.html)
– 28th June 2021 – “El monte de Allande, en clave arqueológica. Una campaña dirigida por la Universidad de Génova estudiará los cambios sociales en los campesinos de la montaña en el siglo XVIII”, article about Antigone’s activities in Asturias by D. Álvarez, in «La Nueva España» (https://www.lne.es/occidente/2021/06/28/monte-allande-clave-arqueologica-54392089.html)
– 21st November 2020 – “Abbandono della Montagna in Europa, un declino che parte da molto lontano”, interview to A. M. Stagno by P. Pastorelli, in «Il Secolo XIX».
– 11th October 2020 – “Borzonasca: studio universitario su Perlezzi”, article by M. Massa about Antigone’s activities on Ligurian Apennines, in «Levante News. La voce del Tigullio». (https://www.levantenews.it/2019/10/11/borzonasca-studio-universitario-su-perlezzi/)
– 25th September 2019 – “A UniGe l’unico ERC italiano in storia e archeologia: ad aggiudicarselo Anna Maria Stagno”, post about Antigone project being awarded an ERC Starting Grant, in «UniGe.Life». (https://life.unige.it/unige-lunico-erc-italiano-storia-e-archeologia-ad-aggiudicarselo-anna-maria-stagno)
– 3rd September 2019 – “Erc starting grant: c’è un’archeologa dell’Unige tra i 37 italiani a ottenere l’ambito contributo per iniziare la ricerca”, article about Antigone project being awarded an ERC Starting Grant, in «Genova24». (https://www.genova24.it/2019/09/erc-starting-grant-ce-unarcheologa-dellunige-tra-i-37-italiani-a-ottenere-lambito-contributo-per-iniziare-la-ricerca-222178/).
Radio and Television coverage
– 23th January 2022 – News item on Asturian public television with an interview with Andrés Menéndez Blanco on the use of remote sensing techniques in archaeology (https://www.rtpa.es/noticias-asturias:Las-investigaciones-arqueologicas-mediante-teledeteccion-dan-cada-vez-mas-resultados_111642941877.html?fbclid=IwAR2M9JGIIl4axAOMg2zYvVTD8kh0BDsmy1gJ0eZmXhYgwGIEI1Gpy8x23YY).
– 28th September 2021 – Interview with Andrés Menéndez-Blanco on National Spanish radio «Onda Cero Cangas» about the objectives and work of Antigone in Asturias.
– 30th June 2021 – News on the public television of Asturias («Televisión del Principado de Asturias») interview with Anna Maria Stagno and Andrés Menéndez-Blanco about Antigone’s activities.
– 18th November 2019 – Report by Valentina Gregori about Antigone project aired on the programme «TG Leonardo» (from minute 12.00. Rai3, Italian public television).
– 11th October 2019 – Report by Valentina Gregori about Antigone project aired on the programme «Buongiorno Regione» (from minute 12.40. Rai3, Italian public television).
Internet and Social Media
– 21st February 2020 – Video-interview to Anna Maria Stagno, PI of Antigone project, made by the Representative Office of the European Commission in Milan and published on Youtube’s University of Genova channel.
– Webpage of the Antigone Project in the Cordis Portal. (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/853539?fbclid=IwAR1g6FrBcvJYyPlpdHrNoISu1lOpsvKm5TNTiTY1esDkyKRixD4E7mnlHsA)
– Facebook page of the Antigone Project
Non-scientific publications
– Stagno A. M., “Ricerca europea e archeologia alleate contro l’abbandono delle montagne europee”, in «Orizzonte Europa. Ricerca, Nuovi modelli di Sviluppo», In Europa, XIX-1-2020, pp. 27-31.
– Stagno A. M., “Il dibattito sul verde di ‘Piazza Levante’. La dimensione sociale del paesaggio tra passato e futuro”, in «Piazza Levante», 24th September 2020. (https://www.piazzalevante.it/2020/09/24/il-dibattito-sul-verde-di-piazza-levante-la-dimensione-sociale-del-paesaggio-tra-passato-presente-e-futuro/).